Meet the Summer Sustainability Interns

Kirsten Francis
School: Morehouse School of Medicine
Degree Program: Master of Public Health Program
Expected Graduation: Spring 2025
About Kirsten
Q: What are you working on with the Office of Sustainability this summer?
A: I am assisting with developing an air quality calculator, learning Power BI, and tracking water leaks through utility bills.
Q: What’s one thing you learned during your time with Office of Sustainability that you feel is important for others on campus to know?
A: It may be very simple, but I learned how important it is to have a climate action plan, as it serves as the blueprint for any organization’s actions toward sustainability. Attending institutions that, though not as far along in their climate action journey’s as Georgia Tech, are still developing their focus on climate action, has highlighted for me the importance of supporting them.
Q: Do you plan to incorporate sustainability into your future career/how?
A: Yes, I do plan to incorporate sustainability into my future career. I plan on combining my interests in sports medicine, air quality, and sustainability. There is already a clear intersection between the group, with air quality and sustainability through its impact on athlete health and performance. Working towards better air quality in sports facilities can enhance respiratory health and optimize performance outcomes for athletes. Additionally, adopting sustainable practices in facility management, such as energy efficiency and waste reduction, not only reduces environmental impact but also supports overall athlete well-being.
Q: Tell us about a hobby or interest of yours:
A: I have studied how aquatic animals live since I was a little girl. Observing how they survive and think is fascinating to me. I’ve always thought that in a past life, I might have been a marine biologist because of my special love for aquatic animals. I have always been intrigued by the ocean’s animals, especially since most of the sea has not been explored yet, and the potential for discovering something new is very likely. When I am able to do so, I plan on supporting initiatives and funding efforts to protect the animals of the ocean, including those in captivity.

Charles McHenry
School: Georgia Tech
Degree Program: Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: Fall 2025
About Charles
Q: What are you working on with the Office of Sustainability this summer?
A: I’ve been working on an interactive model that allows users to simulate the changes in greenhouse gas emissions based on different strategies that Georgia Tech could implement.
Q: What’s one thing you learned during your time with the Office of Sustainability that you feel is important for others on campus to know?
A: Student commute is a large contributor to the emissions produced by Georgia Tech. It’s important to understand the effect that our individual actions can have on the environment and attempt to reduce the emissions that we are responsible for.
Q: Do you plan to incorporate sustainability into your future career/how?
A: I plan to utilize the sustainability mindset throughout my career to help create computer chips that are more energy efficient in order to reduce the impact of electrical energy use in an ever-increasingly technological world.
Q: Tell us about a hobby or interest of yours:
A: A hobby of mine is camping and visiting state or national parks. I recently took a trip to Yellowstone where I was lucky enough to see three grizzly bears!

Eugene Mafah
School: Georgia Tech
Degree Program: M.S. International Security
Expected Graduation: 2026
About Eugene
Q: What are you working on with the Office of Sustainability this summer?
-Updating and Calculating metrics for 2024 Zero Waste Workbook (Recycling Diversion from Yard) materials.
-Editing and Implementing more cost effective routes in GT’s campus Recycling and Waste Stream Flow Charts/Process Maps.
-Capturing and Illustrating the before and after processes of the new waste material equipment being added to the waste stream on GT’s campus.
-Learning and sharpening new technical skills with the programs: Microsoft Excel, Tableau, and PowerBI.
Q: What’s one thing you learned during your time with the Office of Sustainability that you feel is important for others on campus to know?
A: Others on campus need to know that the Office of Sustainability is working hard every day to make GT the most sustainable place to be on the planet (Kendeda Building is evident), and appreciate and do not take for granted all aspects of GT’s beautiful campus.
Q: Do you plan to incorporate sustainability into your future career/how?
A: I plan to incorporate sustainability into my future/career by promoting the present and future SDGSs goals and becoming an advocate by taking action and speaking vocally.
Q: Tell us about a hobby or interest of yours:
A: I like to go to the gym, watch documentaries, volunteer, and learn about cybersecurity.

School: Georgia Tech
Degree Program: Business Administration Major with a Minor in Industrial Design
Expected Graduation: May 2026
About Amy
Q: What are you working on with the Office of Sustainability this summer?
A: This summer, it has been super interesting to be able to look at all of the data collected about how much it actually takes to run the campus. I have been able to learn a lot about energy consumption and how the Office of Sustainability collects and reports this information.
Q: What’s one thing you learned during your time with the Office of Sustainability that you feel is important for others on campus to know?
A: Sustainability is much easier to get involved with than you think! If you begin to think about your daily habits and how to improve them, you are directly impacting the sustainability of the campus. Behind the scenes, the school is working hard to get to make sustainability more attainable but by being proactive about sustainability, you are doing a wonder for yourself and the environment!
Q: Do you plan to incorporate sustainability into your future career/how?
A: I have been interested in potentially working in the airlines industry and I believe that there would be many ways to incorporate sustainability within the airlines industry.
Q: Tell us about a hobby or interest of yours:
A: Most of my hobbies and interests are related to crafts including jewelry-making, pottery, thrifting, and clothing upcycling.
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