

Current Events

Sustainability Workshop for Building & Lab Managers

Wednesday, September 11, 9 am – 12 pm

Location: Petit Biotechology Building, Suddath Seminar Room 1128,

315 Ferst Drive NW, Nerem Atrium, Atlanta, GA 30332

Join fellow building managers to discuss best practices in creating sustainable events and buildings on campus. You’ll hear from fellow building managers and on-campus staff with expertise in waste management, hosting green events, green cleaning, dining, and green labs to help set your space up for sustainability success. Light snacks & coffee provided at 8:30, courtesy of OOS. 

BIO Vendor Showcase

Thursday, September 12, 10 am – 2 pm

Location: Petit Biotechology Building, 315 Ferst Drive NW, Nerem Atrium, Atlanta, GA 30332

The Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience (IBB), and the Bioengineering and Bioscience Unified Graduate Student group (BBUGS), are hosting a BIO Vendor Showcase. This a prime opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to learn about new products from more than 25 companies that will display and demonstrate their equipment, services, and research techniques. Donated items by vendors will be raffled for attendees throughout the showcase and refreshments will be provided!

Sustainability Network Launch

Tuesday, September 17, 11 am – 12:15 pm

Location: Kendeda Building, Classroom 230

Join us as we launch the Georgia Tech Sustainability Network, with the first meeting sponsored by the Office of Sustainability. These monthly networking events will allow Georgia Tech students, faculty, and staff to connect, learn, and grow alongside other sustainably minded community members on campus. Each month will highlight a new theme or focus area, starting with September’s highlight of the Institute’s current Campus Sustainability Initiatives. Light refreshments will be provided!

EPA Lunch & Learn - A Case for Climate Optimism

Thursday, September 19, 11 am – 12 pm

Location: Kendeda Building, Room 230

Join the SGA Sustainability Committee as they are hosting an EPA Lunch & Learn! SGA is inviting EPA advisors Anna Benkeser and Zealan Hoover to campus to lead a lunch & learn discussion. You’ll have the opportunity to enjoy a free lunch all while learning about Climate Optimism. The EPA advisors will lead a presentation followed by a Q&A discussion.


Monday, September 23, 10 am

Location: Community Garden

Join Campus Services for a fun and creative morning of eco-printing at the Community Garden! They’ll be using flowers to imprint beautiful, natural colors onto bandanas and tea towels.

Past Events

Week of Welcome Resource and Wellness Fair

Monday, August 12, 10 am – 11 am

Location: Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons

Students are welcome to come check out the GT Departments that will serve as campus resources to them during their time as a Yellow Jacket. Departments will be here to tell you what they do, events they have planned this week to check out, offer any giveaways and information, and maybe even tell you more about their on-campus jobs available.

Week of Welcome Kendeda Building Materials Tour & Trash to Treasure

Wednesday, August 14, 10 am -12 pm

Location: The Kendeda Building

The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design is the first building in Georgia and 28th in the world to earn Living Building Challenge (LBC) certification, the world’s most ambitious and holistic green building achievement.  Come join us for a Kendeda Building tour that focuses on the importance of reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling.

The Tour will be followed by an arts and crafts activity using repurposed slate from the original Tech Tower.

I&S Week of Welcome Fair Tabling

Thursday, August 15, 10 am – 11:30 am

Location: The Kendeda Building Porch

Students are welcome to come check out the I&S departments that will serve as campus resources to them during their time as a Yellow Jacket. I&S departments will be here to tell you what they do, events they have planned this week to check out, offer any giveaways and information, and maybe even tell you more about their on-campus jobs available.

Week of Welcome Fresk Workshop

Friday, August 16, 5 pm- 8 pm

Location: The Kendeda Building, Room 118

In just 3 hours, the collaborative Climate Fresk workshop will teach you the fundamental science behind climate change. This workshop invites individuals to have an open and positive conversation about climate solutions so they leave the workshop having formed a strong bond with each other, and are well equipped to implement change.

Registration Required

Climate Action Plan Implementation Committee Informational Webinar

Thursday, August 29, 11:15 am – 12:15 pm

Location: Online

The Office of Sustainability will organize implementation committees to advance Georgia Tech’s Climate Action Plan starting in Fall 2024. Join this webinar to learn how to get involved.

Register here.

Featured Events

Earth Month

April, 2024

On April 22, communities across the U.S. and countries around the globe will come together in observance of Earth Day. Georgia Tech takes the opportunity to educate and celebrate the importance of protecting the environment a step further with Earth Month, where events are hosted throughout the entire month of April.

SDG Week/Sustainability Showcase

March 4 – 8, 2024

Sustainable Development Goals Action and Awareness Week invites universities around the world to host events that increase awareness of SDGs, showcase the work they’re doing, and encourage action.