October 2024: Georgia Tech Sustainability Champion

Arianna Robinson, assistant director for business operations in the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business, is Georgia Tech’s Sustainability Champion for August 2024.

Photo of Arianna Robinson, associate director of business operations at the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business.

Georgia Tech Sustainability Champion: October 2024

Justin Bowen, Volunteer Services Intern at Trees Atlanta and GT Undergraduate Psychology Student

Georgia Tech Class of 2026

Photo of Arianna Robinson, associate director of business operations at the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business.

Justin Bowen, Volunteer Services Intern at Trees Atlanta and GT Undergraduate Psychology Student, is the October 2024 Georgia Tech Sustainability Champion.

About Justin

Justin, a dedicated advocate for sustainability at Georgia Tech, has made lasting contributions both on campus and in the broader Atlanta community. As a leader in the Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) and the Ethics Bowl, Justin has organized numerous events aimed at promoting sustainable infrastructures that benefit not only students but also the plant and animal species sharing the campus. Justin’s efforts extend beyond advocacy—they actively connect students with sustainability organizations like Trees Atlanta, providing transportation and resources to foster deeper engagement. 
From the nomination: “In their time at Georgia Tech, Justin has demonstrated a commitment to environmental stewardship. They’ve organized impactful events, such as a public transit activism panel and a platform for survivors of the Bhopal disaster, to raise awareness about sustainability. Justin’s dedication to connecting students with sustainability initiatives and resources, both on and off-campus, truly sets them apart.”


Q: Title:

A:  Volunteer Services Intern at Trees Atlanta and GT Undergraduate Psychology Student

Q: How long have you been at Georgia Tech?

A: I am in my third year at Georgia Tech.

Q: What does sustainability mean to you and/or why is it important?

A: To me, sustainability means acting in the best way for the health of people, plants, and animals in your local community and being a responsible steward for future generations. Sustainability means not just avoiding ecological harm, but also proactively becoming involved in your environment and improving it through individual actions, movements, and policy so we can achieve gains rather than neutrality in our lifetimes.

Q: What is your favorite quote (sustainability related or not)?

A: “The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” – Anonymous 

Q: What is your favorite daily sustainability practice?

A: I ride my bike to my lab and classes on weekdays, and on weekends I plant street trees or care for established trees through pruning, invasive species removal, and mulching with Trees Atlanta

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