/ Exploring SDG #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities: The “Stone Soup” of Community and Academic Expertise 

Exploring SDG #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities: The “Stone Soup” of Community and Academic Expertise 

March 7, 2025
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Reverend Chuck Barlow Sr., community leader, advocate, and founder of the Henderson School Alumni Association and Trust (HSAAT) will join Professor Ashutosh Dhekne (GT’s College of Computing) and Professor Danielle Willkens (GT’s College of Design) on zoom for a lively discussion facilitated by Ruthie Yow (SCoRE). Mr. Barlow will share the HSAAT vision, which aims to transform the vacant and neglected property of a segregation-era high school into a hub for workforce development, STEM education, entrepreneurship, youth and elder recreation, and community wellness. Dr. Dhekne and Dr. Willkens are both partnering with HSAAT, leveraging their research and teaching to support core aspects of the HSAAT vision and expose Georgia Tech students to powerful community expertise and initiatives. 

Event Location: Zoom: https://gatech.zoom.us/j/6233918139