Air Quality at Georgia Tech

Air Quality at Georgia Tech

By John Schmidt, Office of Sustainability Student Assistant, Computer Science ’25

Why is air quality important?

When tracking emissions, carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are often given the most attention, and rightfully so; finding ways to reduce GHG emissions is essential for avoiding the most harmful effects of climate change. At the same time, many of the same activities that produce GHGs also produce air pollutants that can be harmful to human health. For example, internal combustion engine vehicles produce tailpipe emissions in addition to the tire and brake wear that all vehicles generate. Burning fossil fuels like natural gas or propane also emits harmful pollutants, and Georgia Tech – like most universities – relies on these fuels for transportation, generating electricity, and heating or cooling campus buildings. Air pollutants have long been shown to cause premature deaths along with harmful effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory system (, so measuring and aiming to reduce these pollutants is important for the health of the entire Georgia Tech community and its surroundings.

Air Monitoring

Monitoring air quality can be difficult, however, primarily because professional grade equipment is expensive. While low-cost sensors are becoming more and more prevalent, they tend to only monitor for a few common pollutants, and their accuracy can be affected by a variety of external factors, including weather. Georgia Tech does have a regulatory ambient air sensor on campus managed by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources ( which sends data to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of its AirNow data collection and forecasting program. The data from that sensor is publicly accessible and a source of highly accurate data. Monitoring air quality with physical sensors comes with one huge disadvantage though: there’s no way to quantify where the pollutants are coming from.

Ambient (outdoor) air quality can be affected by any number of sources, some of which may not be caused by human activity or located nearby. Weather conditions including wind, pressure, and humidity; distant wildfires producing huge quantities of smoke; and dust or wind erosion are a few examples. As an Institute that does emit air pollutants, this presents a problem for trying to measure the impact we make through direct air measurement. Instead, we can take an inventory of activities that are significant sources of air pollutants and make estimates utilizing our Greenhouse Gas Inventory. By collecting data on usage and relying on published emissions factors from groups like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), we can get a better sense of how activities on campus may be impacting the air quality (and thus health) of our community.

Georgia Tech's Pollutants

Visualization of Air Pollutants measured in pounds (lbs) by the air quality inventory of FY 2023

We classify the pollutants in our inventory into two groups, each with sub-categories:

1. On-Campus pollutants (gold)
• Major Stationary Sources
• Natural gas boilers used for heating campus
• Mobile Sources
• Institute-owned fleet vehicles
• Stinger Buses

2. Off-Campus pollutants (blue)
• Off-site electricity production
• Driven by Georgia Power’s energy mix, see figure below
• Commuting

In general, Off-Campus pollutants make up a larger portion of total emissions and are affected by infrastructure and policies outside of the Institute. For this reason, we focus our analysis on the On-Campus sources, where Georgia Tech has more control over reducing air pollutants.

Georgia Power’s Energy Mix

Georgia Power Energy Mix, 2023: While changing every year, the electricity that Georgia Tech currently uses combusts fossil fuels like natural gas and coal during generation. Electrifying campus fleet vehicles and heating systems will still reduce emissions and pollutants, and those reductions grow as Georgia Power’s energy mix increases its percentage of renewable energy.

We can further separate the On-Campus sources into their respective share of pollutants. The four pollutants we focus on are:

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide (CO) constitutes a large portion of tailpipe pollutants and is generally released whenever something is combusted. Due in large part to stricter emissions standards, ambient amounts of CO have largely fallen to levels that are not seen as harmful to most people or the environment, though elevated levels can still be problematic for individuals with heart disease. Indoor levels can be very dangerous and need to be monitored.

Particulate Matter

Particulate Matter (PM) is a broader category of all airborne particles falling into the <2.5 ug or <10 ug categories (referred to as PM 2.5 or PM 10). Many air monitors only measure these particles because of their strong relation to negative health effects and their utility as an aggregate measure of different pollutant types. Primary sources of PM include smoke, dust, and power plants. Many types of pollutants, including Sulfur Oxides (Sox) and NOx, also react with other compounds in the air to create PM and are referred to as a secondary source of the pollutant category.

Nitrogen Oxides

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) constitute the largest share of pollutants on campus by a significant margin. NOx comes from Major Stationary Sources, as NO2 is a primary output from burning many fossil fuels. It can cause a variety of negative health effects on the human respiratory system.

Sulfur Oxides

Sulfur Oxides (SOx) are typically emitted by power plants and large industrial facilities. They can have negative respiratory effects on humans and can cause damage to ecosystems.

Visualization of On-Campus Air Pollutants measured in lbs. and split into shares of Pollutant type

Reducing Pollutants with the Climate Action Plan

Georgia Tech’s Climate Action Plan, published in 2024, provides concrete strategies to cut GHG emissions and integrate climate education, advance climate research, and ensure cost-effective solutions. While the plan specifically highlights air quality improvement as part of the Mobility strategy, considering the significant correlation between greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, many of the other CAP goals will also substantially reduce the amount of pollutants emitted on campus. Goals 1.1 and 3.1, for instance, call for transitioning both combustion-based heating systems and the campus vehicle fleet to electrified, zero-emissions sources. Doing so would eliminate the largest emitters of on-campus air pollutants in natural gas boilers and internal combustion engines, with the potential to reduce mobile source pollutants by 96% and major stationary pollutants by 100%*. There are also goals that can help reduce the Off-Campus pollutants. Goals 2.1 and 2.3 call for increasing onsite renewables and purchasing electricity from zero-emissions sources, and goal 3.2 aims to increase commuting options that are more affordable and more sustainable.

*Note that, assuming the same energy mix, some of this share of pollutants shifts to off-site electricity production as campus energy demand increases.

1.1 Transition to electrification of combustion-based heating systems
2.1 Increase onsite renewable energy production
2.3 Procure electricity generated from renewable and zero-emissions sources
3.1 Transition the campus vehicle fleet to zero-emission vehicles and equipment
3.2 Increase sustainable and affordable commuting options


Because of limited data and because the scope of this work was significantly smaller than GHG inventory efforts, some air pollutant sources are not captured as part of this report. Results here should not be considered conclusive or exhaustive; rather, consider this a starting point for identifying ways to make our campus greener and healthier.

Plastic-Free for a Day

Plastic-Free for a Day

By Carina Valdivia, Office of Sustainability Student Assistant, EnvE ’27

My intention with this experiment was to go a day without using plastic and document how it went. I did some planning the night before to make sure that my plastic free day went smoothly. I planned ahead to ensure that I wasn’t going to be eating out at any fast-food places, was going to make my coffee at home, and that my snacks for the day were whole foods that weren’t plastic wrapped.

I woke up the following morning excited for my plastic free day. The whole plan then hit a speed bump when I crawled out of bed and turned on the light switch which is made of plastic. I then got dressed and put on a T-shirt which, upon further inspection, was made of polyester a type of plastic. This was leading me to notice just how much plastic is around us. Realistically, it is unavoidable. I mean, even my contacts that I need to see are made of… yep, you guessed it, plastic.

As the day continued, I made an effort to stay true to my original goal by consciously avoiding single-use plastics. I packed fresh fruits and homemade snacks, drank from a reusable water bottle, and declined a straw with my lunch. Even with these efforts, I couldn’t help noticing the plastic that surrounds us — from product packaging to personal care items. It’s a constant presence.  

My experience isn’t exactly unique. In general, higher income countries consume more plastic per capita than lower income regions. According to, the United States produces more plastic than any other nation at a whopping 42 million metric tons every year. Our plastic waste habits have deadly consequences by putting economic burdens on already marginalized groups, endangering marine life, and polluting water that humans depend on for livelihood. On average, one person in the United States produces 287 pounds of plastic a year.   

When I consider these facts, it can feel overwhelming and lead to feeling helpless. The problem is expansive, and individual responsibility can feel small in the face of systemic waste. So, what can the individual do to mitigate plastic use?   

While going plastic free may not be completely feasible, here are some ways to cut down on plastic use.  

  1. Bring reusable bags and water bottles: These simple swaps, while they may seem small still make a difference. 
  2. Opt out of plastic packaging when possible: Avoid items like straws, coffee lids, and plastic bags when possible.
  3. Support local, sustainable brands: Seek out brands that prioritize minimal and sustainable packaging.
  4. Use plastic free alternative personal care items: You can substitute normal bottles of shampoo for shampoo bars. These products also tend to last longer and be more cost effective.
  5. Advocate for change: Systemic change requires policy action. Participate in community cleanup initiatives and advocate for more restrictions on plastic use.

My attempt at a plastic free day reminded me how deeply this material is embedded in our lives. As individuals, our actions might seem small, but each conscious choice builds momentum toward a collective shift. I encourage people to try out their own plastic free day and to consider what changes can be made in their own lives!   


Plastic Waste by Country (Source: Science Advances)

Plastic Pollution in the Chattahoochee River (Source: T Technique)

Common Plastic Free Alternatives (Source: Fair Trade Winds)


Five Easy Plastic-Free Alternatives

Atlanta sued by Chattahoochee conservationists 

Holiday Sustainability Guide

Holiday Sustainability Guide

By Nicole Nuñez (with support from Paige Suk), Office of Sustainability Student Assistants, EnvE ’25

The holidays are a perfect time to celebrate with family and friends. They are also an opportunity to be mindful. Here’s a guide to enjoy the holidays in an eco-friendly, affordable, and memorable way!

Sustainable Gifting

This holiday season, why not give the gift of creativity and sustainability? Instead of buying new items, consider upcycling materials you already have at home to create thoughtful, one-of-a-kind gifts. Not only is this approach more eco-friendly, but it also adds a personal touch that store-bought items can’t match. Whether you’re looking to reduce waste or just want to try something different, this guide is packed with ideas to help you craft unique presents that friends and family will love. 

Gifts Using Fabric Scraps 

Have old clothes, sheets, or curtains lying around? Don’t let them go to waste! Fabric scraps can be repurposed into thoughtful, handmade gifts that are both practical and stylish. From tote bags and decorative pillows to festive ornaments and bookmarks, there are endless possibilities for turning unused fabric into unique presents. Need some ideas to get started? Check out this photo for inspiration! 

Fabric Scrap Project Gift Ideas

Choose Local, Seasonal Ingredients

  • Why it Matters: Buying local and seasonal ingredients supports your community and reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances. It’s also an opportunity to explore fresh, high-quality produce!
  • Where to Shop: Atlanta is full of vibrant markets:
    • Piedmont Park Green Market: Open on Saturdays, this market is a fantastic spot for finding fresh vegetables, fruit, and even Thanksgiving pies.
    • The Community Market at Georgia Tech: This on-campus market is open to the public and features local vendors offering seasonal ingredients and baked goods.
    • East Atlanta Village Farmers Market: Held on Thursdays, East Atlanta Village Farmers Market offers a variety of fresh produce from local farms.
  • Pro-Tip: When shopping for fall seasonal ingredients, look for squash, sweet potatoes, collard greens, carrots, and pumpkins—all locally grown and perfect for holiday meals.

Georgia Proud Provisions at GT’s Community Market (Source: GT Community Market)

Use Reusable and Compostable Serveware

  • Why it Matters: Disposable plates and utensils contribute significantly to landfill waste. Using reusable serveware or opting for compostable alternatives keeps waste down and is often more cost-effective in the long run.
  • Tips:
    • Reusable Plates & Cutlery: If you’re hosting friends, gather reusable plates, utensils, and glasses. Borrow from friends or roommates if needed. Thrifting dishware can also be an affordable option.
    • Compostable Options: If reusable isn’t an option, consider compostable plates, utensils, and napkins, which are available at stores like Whole Foods and Target.
  • Pro-Tip: Compostable options should go into compost bins, not recycling. Georgia Tech’s Kendeda Building and dining halls have composting bins you can use if you’re on campus!

Compostable Serveware (Source: Shutterstock)

Sustainable Decorations

  • Why it Matters: Instead of buying disposable decorations, use natural or second-hand items that are reusable and compostable.
  • Ideas for Decorations:
    • Nature-Inspired Decor: Use pinecones, dried leaves, and fresh flowers for a rustic touch. These can be composted afterward.
    • Second-Hand Finds: Goodwill, Georgia Tech’s Green Goodbyes Store, and other thrift shops often have decorations, tablecloths, and seasonal items at budget-friendly prices.
    • DIY Options: Turn old paper or fabric into decorative garlands or centerpieces.
  • Pro-Tip: When done, compost any natural decorations to reduce waste further.

Sustainable Decorations (Source: Green Choice Lifestyle)

Go Meatless or Reduce Portions

  • Why it Matters: Meat production is resource-intensive, requiring large amounts of water and energy. Reducing or omitting meat is a great way to lower your meal’s environmental impact.
  • Alternatives to Try:
    • Roasted Vegetable Platters
    • Mushroom Wellington
    • Lentil Loaf
    • Savory Bread Pudding with Kale and Mushrooms
    • Harvest Salad
  • Smaller Meat Portions: If you do choose to include turkey, aim for a smaller size to reduce leftovers. Consider getting a pasture-raised or locally-sourced bird to support sustainable farming practices.

Roasted Vegetable Platter (Source: The Food Network)

Recycle and Compost

  • Why it Matters: Proper recycling and composting can reduce landfill waste and help close the loop by turning food scraps into compost.
  • How to Do It:
    • Campus Recycling Locations: Georgia Tech has numerous recycling stations across campus. Look for these to dispose of paper, plastics, and metals properly.
    • Composting at Kendeda: For items like food scraps and compostable serveware, Georgia Tech’s Kendeda Building has designated compost bins.
    • Specialty Bins at Kendeda: Unique recycling bins for hard-to-recycle materials like e-waste, plastic bags, textiles, and foam are available, so make use of these bins for any non-food items.
  • Pro-Tip: Unsure if something is recyclable? Check out the Infrastructure and Sustainability’s interactive map and recycling guidelines to be sure you’re recycling right!

Recycling and Compost Bins at Kendeda

Extend Gratitude to Your Community

  • Why it Matters: Thanksgiving is an opportunity to give back. Supporting your community can be as rewarding as the holiday itself.
  • Ideas:
    • Volunteer: Many organizations welcome holiday volunteers. Atlanta Community Food Bank or Hands On Atlanta offer volunteering opportunities where you can help distribute food to those in need.
    • Mindful Giving: Focus on eco-friendly gifts and meaningful gestures instead of new items. Share time, stories, experiences, and skills with friends and family.
  • Pro-Tip: Small actions make a big impact. Keep the giving spirit alive by practicing sustainability throughout the year, from mindful consumption to volunteering regularly.