Clean Energy


Georgia Tech’s campus requires large amounts of energy to power its buildings and support research and education initiatives. The Institute works to reduce energy demand through conservation and efficiency measures. 

Georgia Tech's Approach to Energy

  • Transition to electrification of combustion-based heating systems.
  • Increase operational energy efficiency and conservation.
  • Establish standards for new buildings and renovations on campus.
  • Increase on-site energy production.
  • Implement energy storage.


    Energy Best Practice

    The Kendeda Building embodies sustainable energy practices through innovative design and on-site renewable energy generation, meeting 105% of its energy needs without on-site combustion. 

    Energy Materials

    Georgia Tech is a leader in energy materials research, driving advancements in renewable energy, clean fuel, and energy storage.

    Georgia Tech Microgrid

    Georgia Tech and Georgia Power operate a 1.4-megawatt microgrid in Tech Square, located at Spring and Fifth Streets in Atlanta.