Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Staff Positions

There are no open staff positions with the Office of Sustainability at this time.

Explore all of Georgia Tech’s career offerings via Georgia Tech HR’s webpage.


Student Employment

The Office of Sustainability (OOS) offers 3 unique pathways for student employment. We look for passionate undergraduate and graduate students who want to work closely with the Office, immersing themselves in Georgia Tech’s sustainability programs while gaining real-world experience as a project manager and sustainability leader.  

  • Office of Sustainability Student Assistantship: Work with the Office of Sustainability to support day-to-day sustainability operations at Georgia Tech. Interns may assist with a wide variety of campus sustainability projects, data analysis, communications, events, engagement, and more. The assistantship is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. 
  • Kendeda Fellowship: This fellowship is a unique opportunity to gain cutting-edge knowledge in sustainability while educating the community in regenerative design and principles. The prime responsibility is to lead tours of The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design, develop data visualization projects, and create social media content that furthers its mission: to inspire change on the Georgia Tech campus and across the Southeast building industry. Kendeda Fellows may also assist with videography, graphic design, writing, events, engagement activities, and more. It is open to undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Study Abroad Fellowship: The Office of Sustainability and the School of International Affairs are pleased to cosponsor a 7-week Sustainable Development Program in Spain and Portugal during the summer semester of 2024. The inaugural OOS Study Abroad Fellowship provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to apply what they learned abroad while working with the Office of Sustainability during the Fall 2024 semester through the Living Campus Initiative. In addition to contributing to the collective efforts of the Office, Fellows will complete a campus sustainability project to support implementation of the Georgia Tech Climate Action Plan (CAP).


Applications have closed for the year. We hire on an as-needed basis throughout the year, so please check back periodically and follow us on social media to stay up to date on all our employment opportunities.

Kendeda Fellowship

TheKendeda Living Building Fellowshipprovides a unique opportunity to gain cutting-edge knowledge in sustainability while educating the community in regenerative design and principles. 

Office of Sustainability Student Assistantship

The Office of Sustainability Internship program offers high-impact opportunities to work closely with the Office in actively advancing Georgia Tech’s sustainability efforts and operations. 

Study Abroad Fellowship

The Office of Sustainability Study Abroad Fellowship provides students with an opportunity to gain real-world project management and leadership skills by applying what they learned internationally in a campus-based sustainability project. 

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